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Tax Return:: 2023 Delay in Processing Medicare Entitlement Statement

Hello, this is your tax accountant, P&C Tax Professionals.

For those of you who have applied for a Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) in 2023, please be advised that Services Australia is currently encountering significant delays in processing all MES applications lodged in 2023. In this blog post, we will explore the possible measures that can be taken regarding this situation.

What is a Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES)?

A Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) issued by Services Australia is a document that indicates the duration within an income year when you were not entitled to any Medicare benefits. Possessing an MES does not automatically exempt you from the Medicare levy charges. It is crucial for all your dependents to also fall under the Medicare levy exemption category.

What to Do Once You Have Submitted Your MES Application?

If you submitted your MES application in 2023, unfortunately, Services Australia cannot provide a specific processing timeframe for your MES application. To prevent any disadvantages due to this delay, the ATO suggests that you lodge your tax return by the deadline regardless of whether you have received your MES letter. If you have applied for your MES before 17 March 2024, even if you haven’t received your 2023 MES by the time you lodge your tax return, you can still answer the Medicare levy exemption question as if you already have your statement.

Upon receiving a reply from Services Australia: > If the statement aligns with what you have submitted in your tax return, no further action is required.

> If your application isn’t approved or differs from what you declared in your tax return, it is important that you amend your tax return promptly.

> If you apply for an MES on or after 17 March 2024, you’ll need to have received your statement before you can proceed to lodge your tax return.

In the meantime, if you need help submitting your Medicare Entitlement Statement and/or lodging your tax return, please feel free to contact us through our official Facebook Page (P&C Tax Professionals – Australia) or send us an email with your enquiry to

Thank you and bye for now!


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