Tax Return:: 2022FY Individual Income Tax Rates

Hello, this is your tax and super specialist, P&C Tax Professionals.
With the tax season just around the corner, today we have compiled for you the 2022 individual income tax rates for each category so without further delay, let’s begin with the resident tax rates.
<Resident tax rates 2021-22>

<Source: Australian Taxation Office>
* The above tax rates do not include the Medicare levy of 2%. This will be charged separately.
<Foreign resident tax rates 2021-22>

<Source: Australian Taxation Office>
* The above tax rates do not include the Medicare levy of 2%. This will be charged separately.
<Working Holiday Maker Tax Rates 2021-22>

<Source: Australian Taxation Office>
As you might have noticed, the income tax rates for the 2022 financial year are equivalent to the rates that were introduced and applied for the 2021 financial year.
As always, if you have any other questions related to your tax return or super, please contact us through our Official Facebook Page (P&C Tax Professionals – Australia) or by sending us an email to
Thank you and bye for now!